Goh Chye Tee
Nanyang Technological University
Dr GOH Chye Tee is Director of NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic and former Director of Biomedical Sciences/Chinese Medicine Program at the School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In the midst of his career as an accounting professor at the Nanyang Business School, Dr Goh completed a Diploma in TCM from the Singapore College of TCM, and a PhD from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China. Subsequently, he became as a volunteer physician and a clinical instructor at a charity clinic, and was also member of the Accreditation Committee and TCM Examiner at the Ministry of Health Singapore. Lately, he also served as a WHO International Peer Reviewer on a TCM Standardisation project initiated by the World Health Organisation. Dr Goh’s areas of research include: acupuncture for pain management and bowel disorder of cancer patients; Management of Sub-health conditions with TCM; Modernization of TCM with technology, and Smart Management of Wealth and Health for gracious living.
Research Interest
His areas of expertise are Accounting, Cost Management, and TCM. His current research works focus on the integration of traditional culture and modern management.