Prakash Mangalasseri
VPSV Ayurveda College, India
Title: Management of diabetes mellitus through ayurveda by Dosha and Prakrity based assessments
Biography: Prakash Mangalasseri
Diabetes mellitus was reported to be responsible for 11% of the total global adult health expenditure and 5.1 million deaths. 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries. India becomes top in South East Asia region with 65.1 Million diabetic people with a prevalence of 9.09%. Traditionally in India, Diabetes was controlled by indigenous Ayurvedic Health Care System. In Ayurveda, the disease is diagnosed as Prameha and effectively managed by its unique principles. Ayurveda identify various Dosha, types for Prameha with different prognostic considerations. Among the three Dosha, sub-types of Prameha, Kapha is curable, Pitta is mitigatedly manageable and Vata is incurable. The psychosomatic constitution (Prakrti) of an individual also plays an important role in progression, prognosis of disease and response to the treatment. Pitta prakrti constitutions are more prone to stress and stress itself is a cause for manifestation of hyperglycemia. A cross sectional study was carried out to find out the association of stress and hyperglycemia in Pitta predominant constitution and it was demonstrated in the particular Prakrity (p<0.001). In routine clinical practices, the famous Pitta alleviating drug Mahaatiktakam decoction was found to be effective in hyperglycemia especially when associated with stress. A clinical trial was conducted to find out the efficacy of the decoction in stress associated hyperglycemia seen in diabetic patients of Pitta predominant constitution and the outcome was highly significant (p<0.001). The paper attempts to explore the utility of Dosha and Prakrity based considerations in the management of diabetes mellitus through Ayurveda.